Yoga meaning yoke, union, wholeness, integrated, upright, sound, truth, consistent, perseverance, complete.
‘The state of being whole and undivided’. We can practise yoga with integrity when we enhance awareness, self discovery, vitality giving a free flow of subtle energy,of prana.
The whole Body and Being
The whole person, allowing all the Koshas / layers – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and not necessarily in that order. So, not just the tight or weaker part that dominates our feeling, but being aware of the breath linking the body and mind and the whole body, one area of the body in relation to other parts. And knowing yourself as part of the greater whole.
‘Integrity of Movement is more important than range of movement’
We learn to add subtle stabilising deep strength to stretch. We become aware of alignment, postural position in space, the stacking of joints, the ease and balance of neural systems, aligning with the present! Balance is yoga -of muscles on the sides of the body, balance of energy at seasons, today, balance of body and being. Ease, even, sustainable, enduring, steady.Breath leading the movement. Engaging the Bandhas, energy locks. Sequencing, timing, focus, free flowing, feeling, releasing.
Above all allowing Yourself, letting go, a gentle intention, enjoyment, gratitude for being able to practise the gift of yoga, for your dedication to being there on your mat!
Exploring your Comfort Zone, finding your edge / threshold
Feeling, sensation or pain. Bringing compassion/ ahimsa to your practice, allowing so that change can happen. Know that our edge changes, that pain becomes an emotion, a memory, and if we can just have faith in our inherent ability to heal from within, if we allow time and practice, if we can breathe and move more freely, relaxing our neural systems, we are practising yoga.
We each have certain asanas, poses where we feel our edge more so. One of the most challenging and revealing can be Sukhasana / sit well pose for pranayama and meditation, here you can feel physical, mental, emotional resistance – time in stillness allows you to see yourself more clearly, becoming conscious of previously unconscious patterns and beliefs.