I’ve recently taken up tennis at my local Ngunguru Sports Club and am loving it.
Yoga is an incredible tool to balance out your body if you play a lot of tennis, helping with increased flexibility & suppleness, injury prevention, improved shoulder mobility, balance, lengthening of muscles and coordination in addition to better focus, concentration, and breathing.

Yoga Class with Tennis Focus
Below are just a few of the poses in our class today:
- Wrist stretches to decrease risk of tennis elbow
- Broken toe pose for the feet, wrist flicks to distract from feet
- Downward dog to stretch the back of the legs and lengthen the back muscles
- Warrior 2 to stretch hip flexors and open the chest (cactus arms)
- Low lunge reaching for back foot to stretch quads and help prevent knee injuries
- Supine twist starting with knees close to chest (tennis requires a lot of strength based twisting)
- Supine pigeon (lie down, ankle across opposite knee, reach through and pull bottom leg towards you
- Shoulder stretch holding the ends of a strap behind your back, one elbow up and the other behind your back (cow face pose)
The last one can also be done with your tennis racket. 😁