Winter is the Element of Water, when the body flows like running water , it is always renewed, always fresh. Move, is the thing, keeping our bodies open and flexible and strong as they are in summer, balancing fire and water elements. Yoga during winter has a powerful detoxifying effect on our bodies, balancing Kapha Dosha. We learn to take yoga into our daily life, tending the Tapas, stoking the fire!
Adding to the strong stillness of yin poses during ‘Autumn time for the Self’, Winter brings awareness / Wisdom, fine tuning. We have the time to understand our energy as feelings and to become aware of our Subtle Energy, our layers.
Winter is Yin, cold, damp, a time to reflect, rest and consolidate energy. The Water element supports and nourishes the vital storehouse of energy that will sustain us through winter. We honour the new fresh coolness, whilst keeping an inner warmth, our inner sun, centering, nuturing and nourishing. We bring our awareness to our Kidneys.
Mindful Yoga blends the Chinese Taoist concept of effortless flow and Vinyasa yoga from vedic roots in scriptures from India, opening meridians and sharpening our neural systems, together with Breath work/conscious Pranayama enhancing life energy, and concentration techniques for mental clarity.
Winter Wellness and Warming Poses
Winter in the winterless north, still keeps us on our toes and we will be practising lots of Balance poses to keep us warm, focused, stable and neurally sharp through winter!
We challenge ourselves with heart openers and poses for our core – aligning and shining through winter, bringing our awareness to Manipura, our inner sun chakra. We build ‘agni’ fire, like the sun in the sky, agni is the internal furnace of the body, giving heat and energy, helping our digestion and metabolism during winter. We practise warming pranayama – Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, maha bundha.
We bring our awareness to a broader level – Matariki when we reconnect with others, and the Earth, putting down roots, opening our hearts.
We have a special practise during the Winter Solstice week.