Kapha – the elements of earth and water, concerned with the structure and substance of the body, holding cells together, protection. Kapha qualities involve being solid, calm, composed, supportive, grounded, standing firm, with steady stamina, sleeping soundly, good digestion, thick hair, smooth skin. Kapha is a natural byproduct of metabolism, it endows our body with earthy watery qualities, it lubricates our joints, ensures our muscles are supple and provides mucus to protect our sinuses, lungs and stomach.
Kapha, however, can accumulate during winter when we need to keep warm, so we eat, sleep, stay inside more, giving a winter coat of insulation, so we can feel heavy and sluggish. We need to shed this excess kapha to avoid allergies and head colds and ongoing lethargy or mental dullness.
Yoga allows time to gather energy and surrender to the darkness of winter, yet it keeps an inner warmth, balancing our doshas, keeping us light, open, strong and flexible.
Winter food too, can overload our liver and gall bladder. We need to balance this by also eating lighter wholesome easily digested food, bitter fresh herbs, local seasonal raw greens , veg and fruit, chai and chamomile tea.