Healing Yoga Recommences on Tuesday October 17
General Classes on Tuesday 9.30 and 5.30, Thursday Beginners at 9.30.
Healing Yoga is a comprehensive choice for overall fitness and wellbeing, enhancing our self awareness on all levels, releasing energy blockages,improving our vagal tone and enabling us to reach our higher potential.
Yoga gives us the opportunity to:
reconnect with the peace and stillness that is our true nature,
notice how our body feels right now
release self limiting beliefs holding us back both on and off the mat.
This term as we move into Spring and Summer, we will begin with a Spiritual Circle and Breath Awareness, continue to focus on Moving from the Core and Creating Space in the body and mind.We will move up through the chakras each week and conclude with a Summer Solstice Practice. This is a wonderful term.
Nordic Walking resumes on Wednesday October 18
Two groups, 9.15 – 10.30 Beginners and slower pace, 10.30-12.30 faster pace !
Spring is definitely in the air after a wet winter, time to spring into action! Come and enjoy a variety of beach and bush walks on varied terrain enhancing our judgement and balance. Walk mindfully on our gorgeous Tutukaka Coast!
The poles are a point of difference giving both support and propulsion, keeping us upright utilising our core and sharpening our co-ordination. Nordic Walking is also ideal for rehabilitation- if you have been unwell and need to improve overall fitness, if you have had orthopaedic surgery such as hip or knee replacements – Nordic Walking will certainly hasten your progress.