September 23, is the Spring Equinox in NZ, equal day and night
This is a special time for yoga, allowing you to embody evenness, ease, equanimity. Equal day and night gives a chance to reset circadean rhythm and sleep patterns. Attending a class this week will give you a beautiful Spring awakening, celebrating the Sun with Surya Namaskara moving meditation, a variety of Balances to keep steady as we move into Spring activity, consciously letting go of those things we don’t want to take with us into the new season, making space for starting over, renewing with Sankulpa Shakti /intention.
Take a few deep healing breaths, a moment to just be…
From dynamic joining of opposites comes new life, representing fertility, the new vitality of the sun renews our energy, courage and positivity as we move into longer days ‘Whatever we give our energy to will grow. A balance of the union between:
Light and dark cycles, Sun and Moon, yin and yang, fire and water, day and night
We use the Equinox for Balance, for uniting and integrating, with awareness of our inner sun at Manipura navel centre and our heart space/ Hriddayacash and Anahata, heart chakra
Sunlight and Shadow
Go within.
Focus your senses. Face the challenge.
Balance sunlight and shadow.
Blend with the path.
This is the way of the Tao.
Tao 56