Supported Prone Savasana
Lying on your front over a bolster with your forehead resting on blanket is a great way to quieten your mind and your nervous system. Brings awareness to your back body (lungs and ribs), letting go of any tension in your front body.
Place the bolster long ways on your mat, lie on your front on the bolster with your collar bones right over the front of the bolster. Fold a blanket 3 or 4 times and place in front of the bolster. Rest your forehead on the blanket with space to breathe, lengthen the neck so neck is completely relaxed. Roll a blanket lengthways and place under your ankles. Relax and breathe.

Lying Over a Bolster
Place the bolster long ways on your mat, sit in front of the bolster with one end against your lower back, lie back over the bolster with your head and back resting completely. Arms come out to your sides on the mat with palms facing up, legs are long or in butterfly shape with soles of the feet together. A lovely heart and shoulder opener and the perfect antidote to sitting at a computer or scrolling bent over your phone.
Bolster Balancing
Lie your bolster on the ground. Stand on the bolster, walk around on top of the bolster, balance on one foot, swinging the other leg in front or behind you. Try closing your eyes and repeating. Great for stability and working the muscles in your feet and ankles.
NZ Made Yoga Bolsters for Sale