Awareness of the greater whole, realisation.
The wisdom of the body, the physical, mental and emotional bodies, upheld by the spiritual body.
The Subtle Energy Body – the 7 chakras and 5 Kosha layers.
The fulfillment of yoga, where the line between subject and object blurs.
Awareness of all the cells themselves, conscious breathing with fuller expansion, and completion of the exhale, nourishing the cells, releasing tension at a cellular level. Allowing the breath to lead the movement.
Awareness in particular of the physiology or function of our Autonomic nervous System and our Immune System, linking physiology with yoga philosophy!
To me, Embodiment involves consciously checking in with each body, learning to listen to it all, not just the mental body which is always telling us what to do, what it wants. With time, we learn to allow the body to inform the movements, to listen to the body’s impulses, to be there and allow, to adapt to suit the Self. Wise sequencing, balancing activity with stillness, allowing smooth transitions and softer neural sensations to allow the journey to our True Nature and wholeness.
What do I want to embody? Is there a tightness in a certain part of the body? Can you sense an openness and space in another part? Notice your breathing, the quality, feel the sensation of the breath moving within your body. How do you want to feel?
This is different to just imposing postures onto the physical body.